E-ISSN 2582-5429
Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Single Blind Peer-Reviewed & Refereed International Research Journal

SJIF Impact - 5.675

DOI Number - 04.2021-43234255


The full form of AMRJ is Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal. The Akshara means an alphabet. Language is meant for communication. With the help of language we can express our thoughts. The purpose of this research journal is to provide a platform for the researchers to share their knowledge through research papers and to discuss every issue of society which is beneficial to people and nation. This research journal will encourage to write about human and social values of the society. It is a peer reviewed Multilingual Multidisciplinary Research e-Journal.

Aims & Objectives

  • To promote and publish peer reviewed quality research papers.
  • To provide accessible and fast publication service.
  • To stimulate innovative ideas of researchers.
  • To provide the information about seminars.
  • To provide global platform for researchers.