E-ISSN 2582-5429
Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Single Blind Peer-Reviewed & Refereed International Research Journal

SJIF Impact - 5.675

DOI Number - 04.2021-43234255


AMRJ is the Akshara Multidisciplinary Research Journal, an online International Peer-Reviewed Publication. It publishes research work in various fields around the world. Regular timely Peer Reviewed issues will be published. A researcher is expected to go through the policies and send his/her research work accordingly.

It is mandatory to send the research work in MS Word (.docx). Following is the font information related to English, Hindi, Marathi and Urdu languages.

Languages Font Name Title Author and Co-Authors Name All empirical
English Times New Roman 14 Size 14 Size 12 Size
Marathi & Hindi Kruti Dev - 10 / 50 18 Size 16 Size 14 Size
हिंदी / मराठी Arial Unicode MS / Mangal 16 Size 14 Size 12 Size
Urdu Noori Nastaliq 16 Size 14 Size 12 Size

Abstract and full paper should be typed in Microsoft Word 2007

Marathi & Hindi DVBW-TTSurekh (ISM V6)


Please refer to the following template

1. Title page The title of the research work should be clear and concise. It is mandatory to mention the name, designation, full address, pin code, country, email and mobile number of the researcher. If there is more than one researcher in a research work, the same information of the second author is required.
2. Abstract The abstract of the research work should be in between 250-300 words. It should contain summary in brief of research work.
3. Key Words Minimum 05 key words should be mentioned.
4. Introduction The researcher should give brief introduction, purpose and background of the research work.
5. Materials and methods It is imperative to search proper study material and apply adequate research methodology.
6. Results Research work should include observation tables and numerical information. While giving this information, statistics, details etc. should be verified properly. Tables, columns should be numbered according to the research method. Also source of information should be stated. Important observations should be emphasized.
7. Discussion The importance of the research paper and specific issues should be discussed. The researcher should mention the scope for further research in the discussion.
8. Conclusion A brief summary should be given at the end of the research paper. The features should be mentioned specifically.
9. References References should be quoted in the reference list. The entire research work should contain minimum 4 and maximum 20 references. APA & MLA Style of quoting references should be preferred.

Call for Paper

Important Dates

Process Description Jan.- Mar. April -June July –Sept. Oct.-Dec.
Manuscript Submission Jan. To Feb.15 April to May 15 July to Aug.15 Oct.to Nov. 15
Manuscript Review Feedback Feb. 16 to 27 May 16 to 30 Aug.16 to 30 Nov. 16 to 30
Manuscript Registration Mar. 15 June 15 Sept. 15 Dec. 15
Journal Publication Mar.Last Week June Last Week Sept. Last Week Dec. Last Week
In Critical Conditions, the above dates may change.


For the purity and authenticity of any statement or view expressed in any article. The concerned writers (of that article) will be held responsible. At any cost member of Akshara’s Editorial Board will not be responsible for any consequences arising from the exercise of Information contained in it.